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Mathematics Library

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Associations and Societies

Associations and Societies

History, Biography, Learning Support​

  • Biographies of Women Mathematicians
  • Catalog of the Scientific Community in the 16th and 17th Centuries – Biographical information in a searchable database.
  • MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive – Biographies, chronologies, maps of birthplaces of famous mathematicians, as well as articles covering historical development of ideas and the studies of curves.
  • Math Forum – This site is a mathematics education center that offers users a variety of features including Ask Dr. Math (a question-and-answer forum).
  • Math in the Movies
  • Mathematical Genealogy Project – “The intent of this project is to compile information about ALL the mathematicians of this planet!”
  • Mathematics Archives – A directory of sources funded by NSF. Includes software archive of reviews and teaching materials.
  • NSDL – The National Science Digital Library is the NSF’s online library of resources for science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.
  • Wikipedia – The articles are generally well written and authorative.
  • Wolfram|Alpha – Wolfram|Alpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers—not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods.
  • Wolfram Math World – Created and maintained by Eric Weisstein. This is a comprehensive and interactive mathematics encyclopedia that is continually updated to include new material and incorporate new discoveries.

Metasites, Preprints, and General Indices​

  • EULER Project – European Libraries and Electronic Resources in Mathematical Sciences.
  • Mathematics WWW Virtual Library – A collection of useful resources in the field of Mathematics.
  • DASL – The Data And Story Library provides statistics data from a wide variety of topics.
  • Yahoo:Science:Mathematics – Yahoo’s directory for Mathematical Societies, Electronic Journals, Employment Opportunities and more.